Blockchain Node Upgrade

Proposal Structure

Submitting Node Upgrade Proposal

  • Run the following to submit a blockchain node upgrade proposal:

hid-noded tx gov submit-legacy-proposal software-upgrade <Proposal Name> \
--title "<Proposal Title>" \
--description "<Proposal Description>" \
--upgrade-height "<Blockchain Height at which the upgrade should occur>" \
--deposit "<Deposit for the proposal>" \
--chain-id <Chain ID> \
--from <wallet-address> \

Steps for Node Upgrade

If the Software Upgrade proposal is Passed, then following steps are needed to be performed in order to upgrade your node.

  • Download and Install the latest binary.

  • Create the following directory structure

mkdir -p <hid-node Config Directory>/cosmovisor/upgrades/<Proposal Name>/bin

Note: Make sure that <Proposal Name> matches exactly with Upgrade Proposal's name. Please note that Proposal Name is different from Proposal Title.

  • Copy the latest binary to the newly created directory

cp <Update Binary Location> <Binary Config Directory>/cosmovisor/upgrades/<Proposal Name>/bin
  • At the the proposed height, the upgrade would take place automatically.

Last updated