Widget Configuration

Hypersign KYC widget is web based application to capture user's data. It is used to capture, user facial detail, ID document, user consent etc. In order to use KYC Widget in your frontend, you first need to configure it in the Entity Developer Dashboard. Widget configuration enable you to do custom configurations of KYC widget for your users.

Logon to Entity Developer Dashboard. and proceed to "Know Your Customer" tab of your services and click on your KYC service tile.

Your KYC service dashboard opens up. Now navigate to "Widget Configuration" page by clicking on "Widget" menu item in the side nav bar.

Facial Recognition

The first configuration is Facial recogination which is already enabled. So no need to do anything here.

This feature, if enabled, will ask user to open their camera and record a video on KYC widget to prove he/she is a human. Once the data is collected and verified, KYC server issues a "Personhood Credential" to the user which acts as a proof that "he/she is indeed a real human and not bot".

Check list of all supported credentials and proofs types here.

ID Document Verification

Now enable ID document verification setting and select document type as "Passport". The feature, if enabled, the KYC widget will ask users to provide ID document. The ID document is captured, data extracted and sent to the KYC service. KYC service does the following things with the data:

  1. Document Verification: Checks if document was tampered or not in correct format. In some cases, it also verifies if digital signature attached with the document is correct or not.

  2. OCR: Extracts relevant data from the ID document.

  3. Facial Authentication: Matches user's image in the ID document with the user's photo taken during the facial recognition step

  4. Uniqueness Check: Checks if the user unique in the system - restricting same user not using same ID document with multiple accounts.

Upon successful verifications of all, the KYC service issues him/her "Passport Credential", which is technically a verifiable credential, to the user.

Check list of all supported credentials and proofs types here.

Configure user consent page by providing a valid reason for "why you are collecting user's data". Read more about user consent here:

Capture User Consent

Trusted Issuer

Select one or more trusted issuers, with the default being 'self' - your own KYC service. This pertains to Reusable KYC. If configured, users who already possess KYC credentials issued by these trusted issuers in their data vault will not need to repeat the KYC steps in the widget. They can simply authorise the sharing of their existing credentials with your app, streamlining user onboarding for your application and providing a smoother experience for your users.

Now that your widget configuration is finished, you are ready to integrate Hypersign KYC in your application.


Last updated